Monday, January 23, 2012

Fujitsu Lifebook: The Conceptual Laptop With Removeable Smartphone, Camera And Tablet

The Fujitsu Lifebook 2013 Concept unites a laptop, tablet, phone and camera together in one device. Even if we've seen devices that come close, this concept takes the cake when it comes to multi-functionality. But those aren't for your standard connectivity. Attaching a gadget to the Lifebook would bring all it's functions to the computer, including using its own processor to run some of the laptop's functions.

Fitting the digital camera to the front would mean pictures could be downloaded to the computer or other devices. Sliding in the smartphone/mp3 player would allow music to be played and other data to be shared across devices. The Lifebook 2013 concept doesn't have a keyboard itself, since an tablet becomes the keyboard once slotted into place. The tablet can also be used as a second display (like a larger Nintendo DS) or as a digital sketchpad with a stylus. Aside from potentially reducing the overall cost, another advantage to this setup would be that all the devices can be synced and updated simultaneously from the same hub.

The proposed Lifebook is a laptop computer concept based on the principle of “shared hardware” explains designer Prashant Chandra. Currently a lot of hardware is wasted when we use separate devices, as there is often a lot of “repeat” of data stored and features. For example if I have my songs on my music player, why do I have to block the same amount of storage on my laptop? Similarly, if I have a processor sitting in my tablet, why can it not also run/assist my laptop? If I have a fully functional camera with its own memory and image processing power, why do I need to have it repeated in my laptop?

The KT Spider Concept is a laptop which syncs your phone with your laptop with a similar slot, but it doesn't replace the keyboard. The Fujitsu Lifebook 2013 concept goes much farther, and also includes a slot for a smartphone on the outer case of the laptop. This innovative concept sounds like a logical step forward for the next generation of laptops.

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